Really, I ought to have taken more photographs during my trip this weekend to Bathurst to visit Leigh and Marko. The ride over the Bathurst via Crookwell was exceedingly cold, interspersed with sections of sticky, slippery clay that has been churned up during the week.
The weather in Bathurst however, was bright and sunny. It was perfect to have a kick around and we baked some bread then Marko had worked up a thirst. We caught the tail-end of an all-day (from 6am) pub crawl that the college kids had been on and finished the night perched at the end of the bar at the Kings hotel. I imagine that we were good entertainment for the other patrons..
Sunday being a wipe-out, I rode back from Bathurst early this morning, via Cowra. While lamenting my lack of photographs at around 6.30 am, I took the chance to capture something on film that I have meant to for some time. Do Cowra people remember this Dunlop sign on the left hand side of the road, going towards Cowra? From my childhood, I can picture this sign when it was complete and fairly new. It has been a bit of a chronograph over the years. I would pass it on my way to and from football games as a kid and teenager. Then my excursions to Cowra from Sydney would take me past it - all the while the roof of this sign was shrinking... shrinking... There's still a skerrick left, if you look closely, and I wanted to take a snap before it's gone for good.