Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Boxing Day in New England

Jen and I visited Portsmouth, a coastal city in New Hampshire incorporated in the late 17th century. Jenny and I stopped in the middle of the Pierce Island Bridge.

From Christmas10

I am pictured below with the 18th century Sheafe's warehouse. It being so cold near the Piscataqua river, we ended up going for tea in town.

From Christmas10

Back in Durham, we found the Mill Pond entirely frozen over and were able to walk around on it. However, if we stood near to each other on the pond, that alarming "crack" was audible and surface evinced a renewed lack of structural integrity.

From Christmas10

Back inside, I practised flying Jen's helicopter.

From Christmas10

And then later, we had a few beers and cheered the Patriots on to a very convincing victory over the Buffalo Bills. In the evening, the wind started to whip up and a blizzard came to Durham. I'll post a few photos of the result of this next time.

From Christmas10

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