On Sunday evening, the 15th, co-incidentally Dunc's last night in Bangkok, we indulged in karaoke. It was awesome - then, I always like karaoke. We had our own room to perform in, all you can eat and drinks delivered (much to the detriment of my singing). Jib and Dunc, by this stage engaged, are shown just prior to singing a love duet.
You did karaoke? Oh my goodness!! I remember your previous attempts at singing... needless to say that enough songs were slain by your tone-deafness without karaoke thrown in!! :)
It was good to see you in Sydney too. Thanks for dropping by.
Katie Starr - you don't realise that I have actually won money for my vocal performances! It must be some time since you have ever heard me sing... I have never seen you sing on stage, but I wonder if you can be a "superstar" too? Thanks for introducing me to the Lewisham pool, btw!
Hi Mel,
Trust me - I will do Britney at my first oppurtunity! I do remember the performance that you and Katie did. It was at the Civic Centre, right?
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